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Raised by Brutalism

Site specific architectural composition composed and performed in the service stairwell of the Art Gallery of WA for the Proximity festival.

The work uses bass guitar and voice to play to/and against the resonant frequencies and standing waves of the space.

Reviewed by David Zampatti as the highlight of the festival and by Nina Levy as one of the top 5 works of the year in The West Australian.

Raised in the moonlight.
Born in the shadows.
Torn between utopias
To rise colossus like
Into the night.

Raw like emotion
Poured into the formwork.
Brutally unhewn:
Function follows form.

Ghosts of futures past.

Death is eternal
Life is but ephemera
Breath is the only measure
In this space.

Good intentions
Of humble institutions
And noble citizens
Pave the way.

All that remains
Ruin and decay
Her story is washed away

Lost antiquities
For all eternity
My love…

Video shot in Paris/London/Brussels/Bilbao/Bali… and Port Hedland.



Intra Harena was an exclusive stadium rock show for an audience of two people at the Perth Arena in Fringeworld

Tickets were free but had to won through a series of physical and creative challenges. 5 shows were performed in a single evening, with the venue running full stadium protocols; including one off ticketing, food/bev, merchandise and a screen printed tour poster signed by the artist in a backstage meet and greet.

Winner of the Fringe World Spirit Award 2018

Cat Walk

Promotional video for Catwalk for Fringeworld.

A conceptual community engagement work. The prize? A guided walking tour of Bayswater for two people led by my cat.

Participants submitted artworks in any medium to a tumblr blog, and the winners chosen by the cat herself.

2014 Duration 0:54

KNX 004: Booty Scootin'

Example of work from a community dance film project.

Produced in collaboration with Indigenous Hip Hop Projects and various communities in the Eastern Kimberley as Artist in Residence for the Ord Valley Muster [Kununurra].

Shown at the Kimberly Moon to an audience of 6000 between Casey Chambers and Paul Kelly

Reviewed in the West Australian by Simon Collins as ‘a smash’.

2012 Duration: 5:48

The Boss of My Body!

Made with the Burringurrah Community while creative producer for CARTSWA.

Distributed to remote schools as a DVD teaching resource for protective behaviours.

Screened at Little Big Shots Film Festival for kids [ACMI]
Aquired by NITV

2013 Duration: 3:33

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